Fashion Fridays is back, to those who are new to the site , Fashion Fridays is when i post my own look and tell you where you can buy the items.Most of the emails that i receive is from readers asking me where i can buy some of the stuff that i feature on this blog, i always put a link where you can buy the items at the end of the post,i'm not just giving you the link i'm also letting you explore that particular site. The reason of this blog is to share with you where you can buy stylish affordable stuff online, i try not to focus much on how you should wear certain things because everyone is different, also i don't blog about high end brands because that's is not me,i blog about things i can afford to buy and that i have in my wadrope, most of the items i feature here is affordable , the key is try to make them look expensive when you put them on.

Pants By
Zara Tear Drop Tee By
ZaraBlack Hi Top Sneakers By
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